Precision Environmental Sponsors Independence High School in 2012 Soap Box Derby

Precision Environmental is proud to sponsor Independence High School's participation in the 2012 All-American Soap Box Derby (AASBD). As one of the local Independence company sponsors, Precision supports a senior class in building their racecar to participate in the derby this May.

Over the last few weeks, Precision has helped the senior technical education/shop class and teacher, Mike Foor, create the aesthetics of the car. The high school students built the body of the racecar following the derby regulations and drafted the artistic design for Precision to apply to the outside of the car.

Precision's talented warehouse manager, Brian Berkey, created and applied the decals and paint with his graphic artist skills and the help of Neil Fazio, a vehicle/equipment painter,and Jeff Martin, Precision's warehouse mechanic. Brian, Neil and Jeff followed the high school students' design that included the Independence High School Blue Devils and Precision's 25th year logo on the blue background.

On Saturday, May 19, 2012, three classes from Independence High School will compete against other participants in the Suburban Cleveland division at the Gravity Racing Challenge, located at Derby Downs, Akron, Ohio. The class Precision sponsored is racing in the Super Stock Race, and will begin at 11 a.m. that day. The winner of that race is the "Local Champion" and goes to the AASBD World Championship to race against the other "Local Champions".

The annual AASBD is a youth racing program that started in 1934, and is a well-known Ohio family past-time, with many generations participating over the years. Derby car racing is also a DiGeronimo Family tradition that Precision continues through this sponsorship. Precision is an advocate for the Soap Box Derby's goals, "to teach youngsters some of the basic skills of workmanship, the spirit of competition and the perseverance to continue a project once it has begun."

We wish the Independence High School Senior Class the best of luck at the races! – Precision Team

The body of the 2012 Soap Box Derby car before the paint and decals, built by the Independence High School shop class.
Precision's warehouse manager, Brian Berky, and mechanic, Jeff Martin, applying the decals to the car.
The Independence High School Soap Box Derby car with the finished paint job and decals representing the school and sponsor.
Some students from the Independence High School Senior Shop Class, Precision's Brian Berkey and Neil Fazio with their Soap Box Derby car.
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