East High School Gym Roof
When the entire East High School gym roof collapsed to the floor, the City of Cleveland Fire/Rescue Units needed help to shore up the collapsed basement track area so fire and rescue could enter for search and rescue. After the initial emergency response, the site also required partial demolition and structural support, including the removal of all damaged masonry walls.
Clearing the Way for Rescue
Before the search and rescue team could access the gym to check for trapped people, damaged masonry wall areas needed to be removed.
Precision responded to the emergency call immediately by dispatching a company executive along with site supervisor, laborers, carpenters and operators.
Within 3 hours, two 100 ton hydraulic cranes equipped with man baskets began an operation removing loose masonry. This continues round-the- clock. As sections were deemed safe, firefighters entered areas for inspection. Fortunately, no one was trapped beneath the rubble.
The building first floor, constructed of precast concrete, suspended over a basement indoor competition track. The floor required temporary support because of the collapsed debris upon it. Precision carpenters installed structural shoring and further braced the exterior walls.
Supporting the Floor for Safety
The entire episode required 6 days of ten hour shifts for six weeks to stabilize the structure and remove the debris.
Eventually the building was rebuilt and returned to service.
The Cleveland Metropolitan School District
$100,000 – $500,000
Cleveland, Ohio
Emergency clean-up, partial demolition and structural support after the East High School gym roof collapsed.
Services Performed: